Poltrona Carl Edward Matthes em teca
Ref: 00990
Local da peça: Póvoa de Varzim- Balazar
Poltrona em teca desenhada por Carl Edward Matthes no ano de 1952.
O preço anunciado inclui o restauro da madeira e limpeza do estofo. Não inclui substituição do estofo. Se optar por substituição de estofo, consulte opções abaixo.
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Altura: 101cm
Largura: 66cm
Altura do Assento: 38cm
Profundidade: 70cm
Largura: 66cm
Altura do Assento: 38cm
Profundidade: 70cm
O Designer - Carl Edward Matthes

Although information about designer Carl Edward Matthes is scarce, it is known that his projects date from the mid-century and follow the basic aspects of Scandinavian design: functionality, simplicity, and aesthetics. Like the other Scandinavian designers of that time, Matthes used very high quality wood, and had an inclination for teak and beech. Model nº33 is one of his most notable works. The chair is ergonomically shaped and has sculpted wooden arms. Unfortunately, details about the designer’s biography have not survived over the years.
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